A One-of-a-Kind Creation
Much like fine wine, premium cigars require an optimal environment to mature and enhance their flavors. Davidoff's Dome humidor represents the pinnacle of the brand's commitment to excellence, crafted from the most exquisite and elegant woods to preserve the unique essence of each cigar.
This exceptional humidor is a globally exclusive piece, bearing its name elegantly engraved on the frame (available in New York City). It is complemented by 50 exclusive perfecto cigars, expertly blended specifically for this masterpiece. The removable tray boasts graceful palladium-coated handles, while the exterior showcases glossy macassar wood, and the interior features varnished okoumé wood. Every detail reflects the artistry of its handmade craftsmanship in France.
Contained within the Dome humidor are 50 perfecto cigars meticulously crafted by Davidoff's Master Blenders, exclusively tailored for this Masterpiece. Aged gracefully for nine years, these expertly handcrafted cigars promise a multifaceted flavor journey of medium intensity, providing aficionados with a delightful 60 to 70 minutes of indulgence. The blend comprises tobaccos sourced from the Dominican Republic, resulting in captivating aromas reminiscent of dark chocolate, enhanced by the subtle interplay of cedar wood and floral notes.
Photo credit: Davidoff.com